
SEO smart link for Blogspot/blogger(update)

Learning SEO Blogspot - Ever heard of SEO plugins smart link? a plugin for wordpress reply function to change every word that we set, becomes a link. Now the plugin can we put also on blogspot.
blogger seo smart links

All the word "SEO" will be automatically converted into links
However, already since last year this script is not working.
But calm down, now the script has been improved thanks to the help of a friend, Ganda Manurung name. He is one of Indonesia's best programmers. It was he one blogger friend who provides many saran2 bermutunya to the skipper. Sekasih2nya thanks to him. Follow the tutorial to install plugins for seo smart links blogspot / blogger below.

How does seo smart links to this blogspot?
This script will read every word on every post. For example, if my friend put the word "SEO" in the script then automatically on all pages that have the word "seo" will be a link to the url address that has been my friend set.

Does this violate google autolink script guidelines?
No, as long as the number of links that my friend put on autolink code is still in reasonable stages. Recommendations skipper, just one link only.

How do I install this on blogspot autolink code buddy?

     The first step, login to blogger.com and then to design (design).
     Towards the edit html tab. Press ctrl + f on your keyboard. And look for the code </ body>
     See the code of the script here (click to view in a new tab)
     Once the page please copy and paste the script is open all the code in the script code right above </  



     See the very end of the code and replace SEO by word or select your keywords.
     Replace http://blogjuragan.blogspot.com/ underneath the url address of the destination.

Good luck!

source : here

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